Sunday, 17 August 2014

Words from Annette Crosbie

Sunday.....lovely day, very windy but glorious sunshine. Hounds seem to love bouncing around on their walks when it is like this, (as opposed to limping along in the high heat). Lou and Ellie were like a couple of spring lambs in the park today.
Found a wonderful poem the other day written by Greyhound Super Hero Annette Crosbie. It was posted on Facebook last week and lots of people loved it. Facebook has a habit of 'losing' posts and they are pretty random about which ones as well, so rather than lose it completely I want to re-publish here as I am pretty certain it will stay put on our blog: So here it is - sealed for posterity on Blogger, (hopefully for all time)

Loving Grey Thoughts...

Do you think they know when I kiss them that:

They are treasured.

That I cry for all the other Greyhounds who will never be kissed.

That I do not care that they just ate something other than a breath mint.

That their racing wins never mattered to me.

That I never cared about a beautiful lawn.

That the shoes are replaceable.

That I absolutely, positively, worship the ground that all 16 of their paws walk on.

That they are loved so much more than as a pet, but more like a friend, a confidant, a child.

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Well, it's been a scorching hot summer with temperatures here in Staffordshire reaching 30c degrees on some days, though 27c was the average and that ran on for what seemed like weeks. I'm sure it's been much the same all over the UK. However, now we're getting back to our normal British weather that we all know and love (!) which is bright sunshine interspersed with showers. So it MIGHT just be time to think about one of Lily Peeps new line Shower coats with a hood. They're ideal for those quick blasts of rain that come unexpectedly, and are solely for showers and quick downpours (for heavy rain, you would need a Classic or Chi Chi raincoat)

They are available in 3 colours, black, red or royal and come with a complimentary drawstring carrier so you can pop them into a bag just in case. Check them out here, and if you like them, please let us know. (If you don't, then please let us know that too, we love feedback, so feed us!)