Saturday, 16 March 2019

2 Simple Herbs that benefit Greyhounds & Whippets

Few dogs today have the ability to select their diet. The choice is simple - eat or go hungry.
Food benefits in several ways:
  • to satisfy hunger
  • dogs LOVE to enjoy food ! (smiles and wagging tails tells us)
  • to heal, to repair and to maintain tissue and body chemistry to it's optimum
  • In other words – maintain homeostasis - perfect balance e.g. HEALTH 
Dogs are inherently omnivores, which means they can and and will eat a variety of foods from plant and animal sources. (Some vets say dogs are scavengers - meaning they will eat anything - and often do)

You may have noticed when out walking your greyhounds or whippets, they will often stop and graze on grass verges and in the hedgerows.

Many dog owners simply refuse to allow this, which is very sad. Dogs have an instinctive nose for what is good for them, (particularly if they have an ailment that may not have reached your awareness). There is ample evidence to support this if you look. Obviously be aware of what they are 'chewing' and take notice, and if you are more comfortable researching first, then pull them away and go home and research the plant first.

Have some fun doing it. Take a picture, and bring a sample home with you, put it in water while you research it. You will be amazed at the treasures to be found growing naturally around you, and how much better than jumping straight for the synthetic chemicals which can do more harm than good

One such herb is the Cleavers plant, often called the 'sticky plant' characterized by small sticky burrs that will stick to your clothes if you pass by them.

One of our hounds a lady in her 12th year, who makes a bee line for this plant when it is in season (March onwards in the UK). She has suffered with some spay related incontinence in the past, and this is her way of treating herself, but naturally. Who can argue with her inherent knowing that this will help her condition?

Another easy to find and cheap herb for greyhounds and whippets is parsley. If you add a few sprigs to their evening or morning meals, it will add iron, carotenoids, and vitamins B, C* & K to their diets.
(*Dogs manufacture their own vitamins C)

As a firm believer in natural healing, I would never prevent any dog from 'browsing' the verges, providing it is clean and clear of debris. They have their own sense of what's good for their bodies, as we all do. If we listen....