Wednesday 31 July 2013

Well we needed the rain - but not this much

We have had a lot of rain in the last 24 hours, torrential this morning, so much so, it was a struggle to get my two even out of the door, and it was a very short walk to boot. We were all soaked after a very short trip to the park. No Cannock Chase and bunny rabbit chasing for us today, it was two soggy dogs who returned hang dog to their beds looking forlorn and sad at the very cheek of the weather for messing up their morning constitutional. (I have to agree with them)

On the up side, I am told it is back to heatwave's again tomorrow with temps up to 28c round here. We'll see. It's hard to keep up with it all.

Wouldn't mind a little 'moderate' weather for a short while - everything seems so extreme - boiling hot, or chucking it down. Ah well, it keeps us entertained - never short of a conversation piece if you live in England!

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